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Table of Contents

ParaSubject Page 
1The name of the Association  3
 2The aims of the Association3
 3Membership eligibility  3
 4Categories of membership  4
 5Subscriptions 6
 6Official year  6
 7National Executive 7
 8National Committee 8
 9Biennial General Meetings 9
 10Special General Meetings 10
 11National reunions  11
 13Disposal of property12
 17Alteration of rules13

(A)   The name of the Association shall be the "New Zealand Malayan Veterans' Association (Incorporated)", hereinafter referred to as the "Association" or NZMVA.


(A)  The Aims of the Association are:
i  To establish, maintain, improve and foster comradeship amongst NZMVA members and with comrade organisations in New Zealand and overseas
ii  To organise members' reunions and conferences and other such meetings or social gatherings as the Association may deem fit.
iii  To hold meetings at which papers may be read or discussions held concerning matters of relevance to the Association on military or other matters in any way connected with NZDF activities in the past present or future.
iv To form NZMVA branches in locations approved by the National Executive.
v To promote the health and welfare of Association members and of Commonwealth veterans of Malaya/Malaysia/Singapore who may come to notice.

(A)  Conditions of Eligibility

i All those veterans of service at any time in Malaya/Malaysia/Singapore or the territorial waters or airspace thereof with the New Zealand armed forces or police or those of a Commonwealth country, who can produce evidence of such service, are eligible for Association membership.
ii  The National secretary shall maintain an up-to-date nominal roll of such members.
(B) Membership:
i Association membership of the Association shall consist of all those listed in the said nominal roll and all those who shall from time to time be admitted to membership in the manner hereinafter prescribed.
ii Association membership shall comprise members in the annual, 12-year, paid life, merit life and honorary categories.
iii All persons applying for Association membership may opt for annual membership or 12-year membership, doing so by completing the approved membership application form as required and forwarding this form with the prescribed level of subscription to the National Treasurer.

iv On receiving an official receipt and membership card the new member shall be entitled to all privileges of membership as prescribed in paragraph 4.
v Where there is any doubt as to the authenticity of the details on the membership application form, the National Secretary has the authority to request the applicant to produce further evidence to qualify for Association membership.
vi  If reasonable doubt remains, the National Secretary will inform the National Executive of this at its next meeting and it shall rule on the application. The National Executive's decision will be binding and final
vii The National Secretary shall inform the applicant of the National Executive's decision on their application within seven days of the meeting at which the decision was made.
viii National Treasurer responsibilities:
(a) The National treasurer is the only person who can confirm the acceptance of a new member and that member's official classification.
(b) Branch secretaries may accept a nomination form and appropriate level National subscription, and send these to the National Treasurer who will verify the application.
(c) After verifying, the details the National Treasurer will inform the applicant that his/her application has been accepted and sending him/her an official receipt, a membership card and a copy of the Association's Constitution.

(A)  Annual Members:

i Annual members are members who shall pay an annual subscription on a date set by the National Committee from time to time.
(B)  Paid Life Members:
i  Paid life members are those members who paid a Life Membership Subscription prior to 22 October 2007 and are not be required to pay another subscription
ii Those who have paid a named "life subscription" subsequent to 22 October 2007 will have their membership considered paid for a period of 12 years from the date the initial payment is made. After that date he/she will revert to annual membership' status unless he/she opts for another 12-year membership. These members are hereinafter referred to as "12-year members".
(C)  Honorary Members:
i  The National Committee alone has the right to admit any person to honorary membership of the Association.
ii An honorary member is a person who has no military service qualification for direct access to membership the Association, but who satisfies the National Committee at the Annual General Meeting  (AGM) that the evidence for his/her inclusion as an Honorary Member   would advance the interests of the Association as a whole.
iii An honorary member nomination can only be made by a member of good financial standing of the Association and seconded by another member of good financial standing of the Association.
iv The nominator must present satisfactory evidence that, in the opinion of the National Committee, admission of the nominee would advance the interests of the Association as a whole.
v The nomination must be accompanied by a full resume of the nominee and evidence of such service he/she has given, or will give, in advancing the Association's interests.
vi The National Committee shall call for more evidence should it be required
vii Should two or more National Committee members oppose a nomination, the nomination shall not proceed and the nominator and seconder be notified immediately.
viii  There shall be no more than 20 Association honorary members at any one time.
ix All widows of financial members shall have automatic right to honorary membership should they desire it. Members admitted under this rule shall not be deemed part of the "limitation of honorary membership" under paragraph 4 (C)
viii Honorary membership can be terminated at the direction of the National Committee on receipt of a request for termination in writing containing sufficient evidence for such a decision. The request must be sent to the National Secretary who will place it before the first National Committee meeting after receipt.
(D)  Honorary Membership Rights and Privileges:
i An honorary member shall be subject to the Constitution, Supplementary Rules and disciplines of the Association.
ii Honorary members shall have normal rights and privileges announced in the Constitution and Supplementary Rules. They shall not have any right to vote at any general or special meeting.
iii Honorary members are entitled to attend all functions of the Association.
iv Honorary Members are not entitled to election to any office of the Association.
v Honorary members shall not be liable to pay a subscription.
vi Honorary Members do not have any reciprocal rights with similar associations or organisations.
(E)  Association Merit Life Member:
 The highest award the Association can bestow on a member is "ASSOCIATION MERIT LIFE MEMBERSHIP".
ii A nominee for Association Merit Life Membership must have contributed exemplary service to and for the Association for a considerable period, which has been to the Association's benefit.
iii Members of the AGM must consider such a nominee of the National Committee as being as person worthy of recognition and receipt of the Association's highest award.
iv The award of an Association merit life membership must be recommended to a general meeting of all members by the National Committee and can only be ratified by such meeting.
v The nominator must be an Association member of good financial standing.
vi The seconder must be an Association member of good financial standing.
vii Such a nomination must be in writing and accompanied by a full resume of the nominee. It will also contain a written summary and/or evidence of such service rendered the Association by the nominee.
viii There shall be no more than 20 Association merit life members at any one time
ix The person accepted as an Association merit life member shall be entitled to all privileges of membership without paying a subscription.
x The National Secretary will maintain a register of Association merit life members.

(A)  Determination of subscription levels
i Subject to any alteration which, from time to time as directed by the Association in a General Meeting, the annual subscription level shall be decided at the Biennial General Meeting (BGM).
ii The annual subscription shall be set against all the annual members as at first of July every year.
(B) Members in arrears:
i The National Executive reserves the right to claim arrears of subscriptions up to a maximum of two years. The National Executive may grant relief from any arrears for any member.
ii Any member who fails to pay his/her subscription within one year after the due date of their annual subscription expiry shall be suspended from all privileges of membership.
iii A member may resign from membership of the Association by sending his/her resignation in writing to the National Secretary with payment of all subscriptions or other sums owed by him/her  to the Association.

(A)  The Official Year of the Association shall be from the first of a given month in any year, until the last day of the 12th subsequent month in the following year.
(B)  The Official Year of the Association will also be the official financial year of each branch.

(A)  The National Executive shall consist of a president, two vice presidents with a portfolio, up to eight executive officers with a portfolio, a treasurer, a secretary or a secretary/treasurer.
(B)   Nominations:
i All nominations for the National Executive must be received by the incumbent National Secretary at least 14 days prior to the advertised date of the BGM.
ii All nominations must be in writing on the official nomination form that is available from either the National Secretary or branch secretaries.
iii All nomination forms must carry the name of the nominator and seconder printed in BLOCK letters and signed by both who must be current financial members of the Association at the time of nominating their candidate.
iv Nominators and seconders must submit a written statement regarding the personal profile of their nominee with their nomination.
v All nominees must countersign his/her nomination form to show he/she accepts his/her nomination for any stated position(s) on the National Executive. He/she must also make clear which position he/she is accepting nomination for.
vi Nominees may stand for more than one position on the National Executive at any election.
vii In the event of there not being enough written nominations received by the National Secretary by the due date, the chair of the General Meeting may call for nominations from the floor of the said meeting.
viii Noting must be always by secret ballot.
ix Nominees may choose to decline or withdraw their nomination up to the time voting is to take place.
x The meeting chair will call for a minimum of two scrutineers immediately after the start of the meeting. No scrutineer can be a nominee or eligible voter. Scrutineers will be responsible to count the votes in all secret ballots conducted at the said meeting.
(C)  Meetings:
i The National Executive shall meet at such times as listed in the Supplementary Rules
ii A quorum for a National Executive meeting to be valid is 50  percent of its elected officers.
(D).  Power to Create By-Laws:
i The National Executive is empowered to create, amend or repeal by-laws not inconsistent with these rules.
ii The National Executive has the power to impose fines or other penalties for breach or non-observance of these rules.
(E)  Minutes:
i Minutes of all business transacted at any meeting shall be kept in a file especially created for that purpose.
ii The file may be recorded and stored electronically.
iii A printed copy of the minutes of all meetings shall be sent to the members of the National Executive within 21 days of the meeting taking place.
v A printed copy of the minutes shall be made available to all members' delegates at the time of the next applicable meeting taking place. "Printed" includes publishing in the Newsletter or on the website.

(F)   Register of attendance:
i A register of attendance shall be kept of those attending any officially sanctioned meetings.

(A) General affairs:
i The Association's general affairs shall be administered by a Committee consisting of:-
(a)     Administrative: The National Executive consisting of the president, vice presidents, executive officers, National Secretary, National Treasurer or National Secretary/Treasurer
(b) Representative: Up to two delegates from each registered NZ MVA branch. Such delegates' names shall be advised to the National Secretary six weeks prior to the notified date of the meeting.
(B)  Power to Convene and control meetings:
i The president or vice-president may convene a meeting of the National Committee at any time upon receipt of a written request from three or more financial members of the Association.
ii The president or one of the vice-presidents shall chair the meeting subject to that, in their absence or inability to take the chair, a chairperson may be appointed from those present.
(C)  Remits:
i All remits must be received in writing by the National Secretary not later than 10 weeks prior to the notified date of the National Committee meeting.
ii All remits will be distributed to all bona-fide NZMVA branches at least eight weeks prior to the date of the notified date of the National Committee meeting.
iii Remits not received by the due date shall not be admitted to the meeting.
iv The National Committee shall have the power to determine all questions, disputes and the construction or interpretation of these rules or Supplementary Rules.
v The National Committee will decide whether or not to take a decision made at a National Committee meeting to the BGM or a SGM for a final ruling if the National Committee does not have the power to finalise such a decision or it best for the furthering of welfare or objectives of the Association.
(D)  Minutes:
i Minutes of all business transacted at any meeting shall be kept in a file especially created for that purpose.
ii The file may be recorded and stored electronically.
(E)  Register of attendance:

i A register of attendance shall be kept of all who attend any officially sanctioned meetings.
(F)  Voting:
i The president or chairperson may consider a simple show of hands to determine voting.
ii Should the president or chairperson deem it necessary or desirable, a secret ballot may be used to decide an issue.
iii Should a secret ballot be held at least two scrutineers to count the respective votes should be appointed before the ballot. Scrutineers may not vote on that particular issue.
iv The president or chairperson shall have the casting vote.
(G)  Meetings:
i The National Committee shall meet at such times as listed in the Supplementary Rules.
ii A quorum for a National Committee meeting to be valid is not less than 50 percent of registered branch delegates being in attendance.

(A)  The BGM will meet at such a time and date in October in conjunction with the National Reunion or as the National Committee may designate.
(B)  The purpose of the BGM is to receive National Executive reports for the previous two years' activities, to elect officers of the Association for the next two years and to discuss such matters that may be raised by financial members of the Association.
(C)  To vote on such issues as the Chair deems necessary to be voted on that are not listed in the agenda as remits.
(D)  This meeting must be advertised in writing to all financial members not later than 21 days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting.
(E)  This meeting will debate all remits tabled in the agenda for the meeting and a binding vote will take place at the end of the debate or when the Chair decides that sufficient debate has taken place.
(F)  All remits must be received by the National Secretary in not later than 90 days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting.
(G)  The National President or a vice-president shall chair the meeting. If those persons are not available that or vacate the chair for any reason, a financial member may be appointed from the floor to chair the meeting.
(H)  The Chairperson shall determine decisions of the meeting by a simple show of hands unless he/she decides a secret ballot is desirable or is requested from the floor.
(I)  Should a secret ballot be required at least two scrutineers shall be appointed before the ballot commences to count the respective votes. These scrutineers may not vote on that particular issue.
(J)  The chairperson shall have the casting vote in addition to their deliberative vote.
(K)   A BGM quorum of shall Be 10 percent of the financial membership including Association merit life members.
(L)  Only financial members may attend and vote at a General Meeting. Non-financial members may attend a meeting as an observer only and may only speak with the permission of the Chair.
(M)  All general business must be presented to the National Secretary in legible writing at least one hour before the scheduled meeting commencement time.
(N)  The National secretary will read all general business to the meeting ad verbatim without comment or debate. The matters raised will then be referred to the National Executive for consideration and a decision (if required) will be made. The National Executive will report back to all members via the Newsletter and website as soon as possible.
(O)  Minutes of all business transacted at the meeting shall be kept in a file created for that purpose. This file may be recorded and stored electronically but a printed copy must be made available to members of the National Executive within 30 days of the conclusion of the meeting and also distributed to all financial members attending the next BGM. "Printed" means published in the Newsletter or on the website
(P)  Register of attendance
i A register of attendance shall be kept to record those attending the meeting.

(A)   An SGM shall be called by either the president or the National Committee within 14 days of receipt of a written request signed by not less than 30 financial members stating the purpose for the meeting.
(B)  Notice of the SGM shall be sent in writing to all financial members at least seven days prior to such a meeting and this notice will state the business to be debated, the location, date and time of the meeting.
(C)  The National President shall chair the meeting or, if that person is not available or vacates the chair for any reason, a vice-president or, if one of those persons are not available, a financial member may be appointed from the floor to chair the meeting.
(D)  The chairperson shall ascertain the decision of the meeting by a simple show of hands unless he/she decides that a secret ballot is desirable or is requested from the floor.
(E)  Should a secret ballot be held at least two scrutineers should be appointed before the ballot commences to count the respective votes. These scrutineers may not vote on that particular issue.
(F)  The chairperson shall have the casting vote in addition to his/her deliberative vote.
(G)  An SGM quorum shall be 10 percent of the financial membership including Association merit life members.
(H)  Minutes of all business transacted at the meeting shall be kept in a file created for that purpose. This file may be recorded and stored electronically but a printed copy must be made available to members of the National Executive within 30 days of the conclusion of the meeting and also distributed to all financial members attending the next BGM "Printed" means published in the Newsletter or on the website.
(I)  A register of attendance shall be kept to record all who attended the meeting.
(J)  Only financial members may attend and vote at an SGM
(K)  Only that business in the printed agenda distributed with the notice of the meeting may be debated or discussed.

(A) Biennial National Reunion shall be held every uneven year unless otherwise determined at a General Meeting or by the National Committee or the National Executive.
(B) The venue for the next Reunion will be determined at the previous BGM.

(A)  National Association Income:
i The National Executive reserves the right to conduct any nationwide fundraising project as approved by the National Executive.
ii The National Executive shall have approved a budget that will determine the need for such a fund raising project or will so determine the need for a matter that has arisen that was not planned for.
iii The National Executive shall procure subscription income from all paid memberships.
iv The National Executive may make application to any other sources for financial support as it deems fit
v The National Executive must have agreed upon the purpose for which funds are sought.
vi The appropriate National Executive officer shall be responsible for making such application for funds and accounting for the expenditure of the funds.
vii In the event of a member or any other person or group donating a bequest, gift or koha to the Association, then the National Executive shall acknowledge such bequests, gifts or koha with grace and gratitude.
viii The National Executive shall accede to the wishes of the donor(s) or in the event of no specific instructions being received, will decide how to best utilise the bequest, gift or koha.
(B)  Banking:
i All monies belonging to the Association shall be deposited in a bank account in such a manner and under conditions as the National Executive may decide from time to time.
ii Monies belonging to the Association may be invested in such a manner and under such conditions as the National Executive may decide from time to time.
iii The National Executive shall from time to time determine how many signatories will be lodged with the Association's bank for the purpose of signing cheques.
iv The National Executive shall from time to time determine the number of signatories required to sign any cheque to make it valid.
(C).  Financial Reports:
i The National Treasurer shall present a paper in journal form showing all transactions from the time of the last meeting to each current meeting of the National Executive.
ii The National Treasurer shall present to each meeting of the National Committee an audited statement of accounts for the preceding year.
iii The National Treasurer shall present to all the financial members of the Association an audited statement of accounts for the preceding year by means of publication in the Newsletter or on the website.
iv An audited statement of accounts will be presented to the Department of Internal Affairs' Registrar of Incorporated Societies as prescribed in law.
v  n audited statement of accounts shall be made available at any reunion. This statement will be based on the year to 30 June of that year.

(A)  In the event of the Association being wound up all the funds it has will be transferred to the RNZRSA.
(B)  The property of the Association transferred to the RNZRSA shall be lodged in a trust account established for welfare work for veterans of service at any time in Malaya/Malaysia/Singapore or the territorial waters or airspace thereof with the New Zealand armed forces or police or those of a Commonwealth country.

(A)  Every financial member or servant of the Association shall be indemnified out of the Association's funds against all debts, costs, claims, losses, expenses and liabilities, which any member and or servant shall incur or become liable for any reason of any contract entered into or act or thing done by them or legal proceedings brought or about to be brought against them in any way in the performance of their official duties.
(B)  No financial member or servant shall be liable for the act, neglects or defaults of any other financial member or servant for any loss or expense happening to the Association through the insufficiency of the title to property
or of any securities otherwise or any loss or damage happening in the execution  of duties or in relation to unless the same happens through their own willful act or default.
(C)  These Rules shall be printed and sent to every registered address of every financial member.
(D)  No member shall be absolved from the effects of these rules or of allegation they have not received them as payment of a subscription to the Association entitles all members to privileges of the Association.
(E)   Such payment shall be distinct acknowledgment of submission to and acquiescence in the Rules of the Association, but such payment shall not confer upon members any separate propriety interest in any of the property of the Association.

(A)  The National Executive will publish at least four national newsletters per year.
(B)   The newsletter will be sent to each financial member who requests and pays for this service at their last known address, and also posted on the website
(C)   A copy of each newsletter issued must by law be sent to the Official Archives at the expense of the Association

(A)  NZMVA branches may be formed in any location approved by the Executive.
(B)   Such branches may establish their own constitution provided such does not negate any part of the Constitution and Supplementary Rules of the NZMVA
(C)  The National Executive must be sent a copy of any branch's rules and any subsequent alterations.

(A)  These Rules may be altered or rescinded by way of a remit at any BGM or SGM called for that purpose.
(B)  Any remit submitted for the purpose of altering or rescinding these Rules must be given in writing to the National Secretary not later than 90 days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting.
(C)  No addition, alteration or voiding shall be approved that affects the pecuniary profit clause or the winding up clause.




Paragraph No   Contents

1    Administration 

2    Minutes                                                         

3    Motions                                                         

4    Secret ballots                                                 

5    Remits                                                         

6    Proxy voting                                               

7    Conduct    

8    Branch rules                                                   

9    Publicity                                                        

10  Mauri o Nga Toa                                             

11  Administration of subscription payments      

12  National executive                                                  

13  National committee                                        

14  National reunions                                           

15  Association badge and logo                          

16  Alteration of supplementary rules                


In accordance with the Association's Constitution, paragraphs 2(A) iii and 8(C) iv and 8(D), these Rules have been drawn up to assist in the administration of the Association and orderly conduct of its meetings.


(A)  Power to Convene and control of Meetings:

i           The control of all meetings will be as stated in paragraphs 8(B)

ii          The meeting may be addressed only with the approval of and through the Chair.


(A) A printed copy of the minutes of all meetings shall be sent to the members of the National Executive within 21 days of the meeting taking place.

(B) A printed copy of the minutes shall be made available to all members and/or delegates at the time of the next meeting taking place.


(A) Any matter to be discussed requiring a decision to be made at a meeting may only be debated after the formal motion has been tabled and seconded.

(B) In the event of a matter being raised for discussion without a formal motion, the chair will decide whether or not a vote will be required on the subject and require the tabling of a motion (or not) before discussion may proceed beyond the point already reached.

(C)  Motions being debated are subject to the following:-

i           . The mover may speak to the motion for three minutes.

ii          The seconder may speak to the motion for one minute.

iii         Others may speak to the motion or against the motion for one minute. The chair may grant an extension of time.

iv         All speakers will receive a warning when 10 seconds are left of the allotted time. Questions or points may be made with permission of the chair.

v          The mover will have the right of reply before the motion is put to the vote.

vi         The seconder will NOT have the right of reply.

vii        All motions will be put to the vote at the discretion of the chair unless the motion is withdrawn.

viii       A motion can only be withdrawn with the approval of both the mover and the seconder and leave from the chair.

ix        A motion to amend a tabled motion is subject to paragraph 2.1 and 2.2 and must be voted on before the original tabled motion.

x          In the event that the amendment is successful, it will become the substantive motion but if it fails then the original motion will stand.

xi         Any financial member may, at any time, move that a motion be put and the motion must then be put to the vote immediately.

xii        Any financial member may move at any time that the meeting move on to the next item of business and this move will be incumbent upon the chair.


(A) A secret ballot will be held if requested by any financial member,

(B). In the event of a secret ballot, the Chair will appoint at least two official scrutineers.


(A) At a BGM or SGM a remit from a branch, the National Committee or the National Executive must be seconded by a financial member at the meeting before it can be regarded as a tabled motion.

(B) Failure to gain support of a seconder will mean such a remit will lapse.

(C)  Remits must be in the hands of the National Secretary not later than 10 weeks prior to the National Committee Meeting and not later than 90 days prior to the BGM or 14 days prior to any SGM.


  • (A) Proxy votes will be admitted at any Biennial General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the Association under the following conditions with reference to Rules 9(H) and 10(D) of the Constitution:-

i           The proxy vote may only be used by a financial member attending the meeting.

ii          A proxy vote must be given in writing to the financial member who is to cast the vote and be retained by that member for presentation to the meeting. Such authorisation is to be signed by the authoriser and witnessed by another financial member.

iii         Authorisation for a proxy vote may be done by any member wishing to have a vote cast for a specific issue on their behalf or it may be done by several financial members signing one authorisation.

iv         A financial member shall only be entitled to hold authorisations for five proxy votes at any one meeting.

v          A financial member may only authorise a proxy vote for one specific issue. This means that if he/she wishes to authorise a proxy vote for more than one issue, he/she will be required to authorise a proxy vote for each issue.

vi         A financial member will declare to the National Secretary all the proxy votes he/she is holding not later than 30 minutes before the meeting commences. The National Secretary shall make a written note to record this fact.

vii        All authorisations for proxies will be upon declaration to ensure that the person giving the authorisation is a financial member of the Association and that no dual voting is taking place.

viii         The proxy may only give authorisation for the holder to vote on a specific issue so it must, therefore, state which issue it pertains to.

ix         A general authorisation may not be given.


(A) The Chair may require any person to leave the meeting for any period of time for any reason.

(B)  Any person who is abusive or persistently disrupts the meeting will be evicted from the meeting on instructions from the chair.


  • (A) As per Rule 16 of the Constitution, branches may establish their own supplementary rules.


(A) The National Executive shall inform all members of the decisions made at National Committee meetings by means of the Association's newsletter and website.

(B) Such decisions to be brought to the next BGM or SGM will be so identified.


(A) This taonga (treasure) shall be known as and always referred to as "MAURI  O NGA TOA" (Spirit of the Warrior).

(B)  In the event of the Association going into recess and/or becoming defunct, Mauri o Nga Toa is to be placed in the Army Memorial Museum in Waiouru

(B)  The day to day safe keeping of Mauri o Nga Toa is the responsibility of the branch hosting the next scheduled reunion from the date of the last day of the preceding reunion until the last day of the reunion being hosted by that branch.

(C) If the reunion to be held by the branch that has the safe keeping of Mauri o Nga Toa fails to eventuate, Mauri o Nga Toa is to be forwarded by safe means to a place directed by the National Executive.

(D)  Mauri o Nga Toa is to be lodged with the host branch's ‘home" RSA for safe keeping.

(E)  Should the "home" RSA of the host branch be not willing to accept such

responsibility, Mauri o Nga Toa is to be forwarded to the National Executive by safe means for storage in a safe place.

(F)  It is the host branch's responsibility to ensure that proper insurance cover is taken to provide cover for Mauri o Nga Toa.

(G)  Mauri o Nga Toa will be displayed publicly at the host branch's discretion with prior approval of the National Executive, during their two year term of responsibility and displayed in an appropriately prominent place during the reunion.

(H)  It is the responsibility of the host branch to have its name and date of the reunion engraved on Mauri o Nga Toa in the place provided for that purpose.

(I)  Mauri o Nga Toa is to be presented to the next host branch of the next reunion at an appropriate ceremony after the dinner on the Sunday night by the branch hosting the current reunion.

i           The ceremony is to be held in both Maori and English and will last no longer than 20 minutes.

ii          The handing over ceremony will be an integral part of the reunion programme and published as such in the reunion programme.

iii         Any machinery malfunction in Mauri o Nga Toa MUST be reported to the National Executive immediately it is observed. In the event of a light bulb ceasing to function, it is the host branch's responsibility to ensure it is replaced with a bulb of an identical type.

(J)  Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will any branch attempt or authorise any repairs to Mauri o Nga Toa


(A) Payments:

i           The responsibility for collection of all subscriptions primarily rests with the National Treasurer. Branch secretaries and treasurers may accept subscriptions and issue their members a receipt and annual membership card but subscriptions must be forwarded to the National treasurer for receipting and banking.

ii          All subscriptions are to be forwarded to the National Treasurer who will issue membership cards as required.

iii         Any further subscriptions collected during the year should be         forwarded to the National Treasurer.

iv         . Members who are independent of branches are personally responsible to forward their subscriptions to the National Treasurer before the due date each year, who will receipt the payment and  issue the member with a membership card for that year.

v          A 12-year membership entitles the member to membership for 12 years subsequent to the subscription being taken out.

vi         The remittance of such funds shall be to the National Treasurer.

vii         Any member who fails to pay their subscription within 12 calendar months the due date of their subscription expiry shall be suspended from all privileges of membership.

(B). Members in Arrears:

i           The National Executive reserves the right to claim arrears of subscriptions up to a maximum of two years. Each case will be assessed by the National Executive with regard to the member's personal circumstances at the time and may grant relief from any arrears

ii          Any member who fails to pay his/her subscription within one year after the due date of their annual subscription expiry shall be suspended from all privileges of membership.

iii         A member may resign membership by sending his/her resignation in writing to the National Secretary with payment of all subscriptions or other sums owed by him/her to the Association


(A) Power to Fill Vacancies:

i           The National Executive shall have the power to fill any vacancy that          may occur among the officers of the National Executive during the term of that Executive.

ii          When affecting the filling of such a vacancy, the National Executive shall always offer the appointment to the vacancy to those who offered themselves for election at the preceding general meeting in order of the number of votes supporting them at that meeting.

iii         The National Executive shall seek the written consent of the candidate before appointment.

(B). Absenteeism:

i           Should any member of the Executive absent themselves from three consecutive meetings without leave, their seat shall be declared vacant and subject to reallocation as stated in clause 7(A), 7(B) of the Constitution.

ii          The National Executive shall cause a formal record of this occurrence to be kept and the member so affected shall be informed in writing as soon as the decision is made.

(C). Meetings

i           The National Executive shall meet at such times as shown below, subject to the National Executive determining other dates.


A)  Power to Convene & control Meetings:

i           The National Secretary shall notify all bona-fide Branches of the next scheduled meeting of the National Committee at least 13 weeks prior to the date agreed by the National Executive.

ii          . A quorum of this Committee shall consist of three from the National Executive and three recognised delegates

iii         The National Committee shall meet annually as follows:-

  • (a) In the year of a reunion, the National Committee will meet in the location where the reunion is to take place.
  • (b) In a non-reunion year, the National Committee will meet at a location selected by the National Executive.
  • (c) Such meetings will usually take place over the second weekend of July of each year but this may be varied to meet requirements.
  • (d) The times of each meeting will be decided by the National Executive.
  • (e) Branches shall bear the costs of its delegate's attendance at the National Committee Meeting.

(B)  Remits:

i           All remits must be received in writing by the National Secretary not later than 10 weeks prior to the notified date of the National Committee meeting.

ii          All remits will be distributed to all bona-fide branches not later than eight weeks prior to the date of the next scheduled meeting.

iii         Remits not received by the due date will not be admitted to the meeting.

iv         The National Committee shall have the power to determine all questions, disputes and the construction or interpretation of these Rules or Supplementary Rules.

v          The National Committee will decide whether or not to take a decision made at a National Committee meeting to the BGM or a SGM for a final ruling; if the National Committee does not have the power to finalise such a decision or it thinks it best for the furthering of welfare or objects of the Association.

(C)  Minutes:

i           . A printed copy of the minutes of meetings shall be sent to the members of the National Executive within 21 days of the meeting taking place

ii          A printed copy of the minutes shall be made available to all members and/or delegates at the time of the next applicable meeting taking place.

(D) Meetings

i           The National Committee shall meet at on a Saturday in July to be determined by operating necessities each year.


(A) Branches may bid at a BGM for the right and privilege of hosting a national reunion up to four years prior to the date they plan to host the reunion.

  • (B) The National Executive retains the right to change the venue of any planned reunion for any reason they see fit and is deemed to be in the best interests of the Association.
  • (C) The hosting branch has total responsibility for the venue(s), programme and finances for the reunion.
  • (D) Total autonomy is given to the hosting branch and all costs incurred in the hosting of the reunion remain the liability of the hosting branch.
  • (E) Neither the National Executive nor the National Committee will be involved in fundraising for the reunion and nor will any costs or financial failures of any reunion. They are absolved of all financial liabilities.
  • (F) The host branch may call upon assistance from other branches for fundraising support up until the time the reunion starts and will have the sole right to conduct fundraising throughout the Association for reunion purposes for a period commencing immediately after the current reunion up to the end of the reunion it is to host.
  • (G) The host branch shall not set reunion fees at such a level so as a profit is virtually assured as such an act is contrary to the spirit and stated aims of the Association. The preference is a break-even situation. A modest profit is acceptable.

(H)            The host branch may retain any unspent monies generated by the reunion.

(I).            The host branch will set aside suitable time for the conduct of the BGM in its published reunion programme but the conduct of the meeting is under the control of the National Executive.

(J)             The branch granted the hosting right for the next scheduled reunion after the current one must confirm or decline their bid to host that reunion at the current reunion BGM.

(K)            In the event of a branch declining the next reunion as in paragraph 11 of The Constitution, the president will call for bids to replace that branch.


(A)       The Association badge may only be worn by financial members of the Association.

(B)       The Association lapel badge must be worn on the right lapel of a jacket/coat/blazer, below any RNZRSA badge or NZ Veterans' badge.

(C)       Financial members of the Association will have the right to purchase any Association merchandise for the purpose of wearing or display.

(D)       The National Quartermaster shall be the only person authorised to purchase and sell Association merchandise.

(E)       Financial members may use the Association Logo subject to approval from the National Executive and such use may require a royalty payment.


  • (A) These Rules may be altered or rescinded by way of a remit at any BGM or SGM called for that purpose.